Friday, September 30, 2005

Trip to Canberra.

Six of us, excluding M, went for a day trip to Canberra yesterday (29/9/05). David, Aldrich, Bernard & Mel came along. Well, the more the merrier. Nick was unable to make it as he was not feeling too well.

We started off really early. If I am not wrong, I had to wake up at 6.15am. As usual I needed help waking up from B & Y. Anyways, we met up with the tour outside the Sydney Entertainment Center. The bus then proceed to Strathfield to pick another group of tourist. From there, off we go to Canberra.

The journey took around 4 hours, with a break in between. The scenery along the way was breathtaking. Noticed a lot of sheeEEeeEEeeps too. What did we do to kill time? I myself slept through the first half of the journey, not too sure bout the others. Spent the other half taking lots & lots of monkey pictures. Guess it all started with our dearest camera woman J. Haha!!

Our first stop in Canberra was this Tiny world place. Things were really tiny there. Everything was in miniature size. Made me feel big. Not just big, but Humungous Big!! Hehe. It was kinda drizzling while we were there, so most of us got wet. Anyways heres a picture of 4 Giants!!

We then stopped for lunch, where we had out homemade sandwiches. Our next stop was the Flower Festival thing (think i should really find out the names of the places we visited). The flowers were Beautiful!! But again it started to pour. Due to the rain and time constraint, we had to really rush with all our picture taking. Not much to say here except to post another picture.

Beautiful ay!! I'll leave the others to post pictures of us, as i do not have all the pictures yet. We then left for the Parliament House and a War Memorial Museum. On the way there, the bus driver drove through a series of Embassies. Don't recall passing the Malaysian embassy though. We finally had a group picture at the Parliament House.

Took a tour inside the Parliament House. Seems like a nice place to be in. Think it would be kinda cool to work in a place like that. Oh, we came across this quilt thingy which looked really nice. Hold on, think i've got a picture of it.

After the Parliament House, we left for the War Memorial Museum & back to Sydney. Apart from the rain, I think the trip was a really good one. Kudos to the people who arranged it. Too bad M & Nic couldn't join us. Maybe next time. Well, better get back to work. Another 3 days before the start of uni AGAIN. Will be waiting to hear from the rest. :p


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