Friday, September 23, 2005

Something to think about

Heres something to think about...

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

Actually came across this question on a cup today. Just something to ponder upon. Maybe someone could come up with an interesting / meaningful answer. We'll see...

Well, Holidays are finally here!! But everyone seems to be pilled with assignments & other stuff, myself included. I'm sure everyone will manage one way or another. Let just hope we'll still be able to enjoy our break.


Blogger *flamingirezumi* said...

well i have two answers.

an answer to my dad : i would definitely strive as much as i can to make sure that i achieve what i should be achieving. maybe something much higher than just a "not failing"?? (okay ignore that i can't even understand that statement myself.)

the usual answer from me : SCREW IT LAH...have fun first since i won't fail anyways. :p

12:32 AM  

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